As many of you already know, our bodies tend to take a beating. Whether you’re a weekend warrior going out for a run or someone who works long hours, you know at some point that your body will tell you when it’s had enough. It does this in the form of chronic pain and an increase in muscle tension. This is what we call the twist! Over time this stress builds up until your body is no longer talking, its yelling. One day your neck might be bothering you from a long day at work, the next you go out and decide its time to recover from a long work week and you play a round of golf. All of a sudden on the third or forth hole, your back is screaming.

The next pathway of stress takes in the body is the mental pathway. No one is safe from mental stress. Unless you’re a Buddhist monk or a yoga guru, you are likely to run into situations of mental stress hundreds, if not thousands of times per day. The way you’ll overcome this obstacle is though the U-Fx method. Now you’re probably thinking, this sounds a little to good to be true and as a skeptic you’re not going to buy into a belief system that easy and we get that because we are skeptics too. That’s being said, due diligence is necessary to make an educated decision. With 35 years of experience in treating human beings, and science backing our claims, what more could you ask for? Still not convinced? Give us your email, and we will help you figure out how to get rid of the twist.

At last, the mother of all stress pathways; the chemical pathway. Think nutritional pathway more so than chemical, but for now we’ll set aside semantics. Whenever we eat poorly, our body responds with inflammation. Inflation is the gateway to all disease. When we don’t eat, our body gets hangry. So what is the solution to this viscous cycle ? Nutritionists will tell you, just stop eating carbs from wheat and sure some of you out there have tried this and you may even find that might work you feel better in the short term, but as we are sure you know it’s not a long term solution. Also, life without ice cream is no way to live. Our solution is to go after the underlying cause which is the inflammatory response mechanism by resetting it. Yes, it’s that easy and that simple. Find out how you can reset your body now with the U-Fx method!